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Tania Hudson: Photoshoot dengan amri ginang dan mea shukri cant wait!
07-04-2013 08:50:56 PM
Diana Danielle: Haah, baru habis photoshoot bersama team Nanowhite & Pancaindera.. Sekarang nak rehat sikit, malam nanti nak jenguk Sharifah Aini di hospita
28-05-2012 05:01:54 PM
Amber Chia: Who copy who??? Haha...
29-04-2014 01:21:08 PM
Sazzy Falak: Salam semua... Sazzy nak upcapkan terima kasih atemua ucapan tahniah anda mengenai pregnancy Sazzy. Love u all!
01-12-2010 04:45:18 PM
Juliana Evans: *kelas
14-09-2011 07:58:36 PM

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